
LCF 2024 Schedule

March 3rd 2024  Sunday Worship
April    7th 2024  Sunday Worship

May 11th.,2024
ພື້ນຟູ ບຸລຸດ ແລະສັຕຣີ……   Findlay    Saturday   Matthew 7:13-14 Narrow Gate

June 2nd., 2024  Sunday Worship
July  7th.,  2024  Sunday Worship

July 26-28th., 2024 Summer Camp In Findlay OH…., Titus 3:1-10 Order to do Good
The Vine Center ULSB Camp June 27-29th.,2024

September  1st., 2024  Sunday Worship
September 26-28th., Pastor & wife + Church Leader Retreat  Mobile, Alabama
October       6th., 2024  Sunday Worship
Thanksgiving Celebration…………………… Toledo     Saturday   November    16th  2024
US Thanksgiving Day Thu, Nov28th.,2024

Christmas Celebration……………………       Findlay    Saturday …December   21st 2024

Wed. December 25th., 2024

2018  LCF Schedule

October 20th., 2018         Men & Women Retreat  9:00am-5:00pm
                                          Lao Newlife Baptist Church
                                         1024 S. Blanchard St.    Findlay, Ohio 45840
                                         Theme :     Faith & Deed        James 2:14



Septtember1st.-2nd,            Little Camp  *New Life Baptist  Findlay, OH  

                                       March 30-31st., 2018       LCA Easter Service Men & Women Training at

                                            New Life Baptist  Findlay, OH                                          
April 14th., 2018     LCA  Meeting
                            ***Election For New LCA president,  Findlay, OH
April 21st., 2018             TBTS Thailand Baptist theological Seminary
April 22nd., 2018            TBTS  Special Sunday Service  *New Life Baptist  Findlay, OH
April 29th., 2018             TBTS Special Sunday Service  *New Life Baptist  Findlay, OH
May 5th 2018                TBTS Thailand Baptist theological Seminary

June 16                            CCi class

Jun 16th 2018           CCI    Start Friday at 3:30pm
July 14th., 2018              Madison 10:00am Picnic “New President sharing “
July 27- 29th., 2018        LEBF Camp
August 3-5th 2018         Camp Luz   Carry your own cross  Matthew 16:24-26
      August 3-4th 2018,       P & W Meeting  St-Petersburg, Florida

Septtember1st.-2nd,            Little Camp  *New Life Baptist  Findlay, OH   Start Saturday  at 3:30pm
November 10th., 2018        Toledo, Ohio  Thanksgiving celebration
December 22nd., 2018        Findlay, Ohio  Christmas  Celebration   1024 S. Blanchard St., Findlay, OH

Dec 28-29th., 2018              Church leader Retreat          at   30012 Truman Avenue, Wickliffe, OH




April 14th 2017                   Church Leader Retreat ( Place ???)
May 13th 2017                   ຟື້ນຟູ ບຸຣຸດ ສຕຣີ  MM & WM

                                         Training at Findlay       9:00 am to 5:00pm

Jun 30th -July 2nd   2017    Camp Luz

August 19th 2017                Picnic at Maumee        10:00am to 5:00pm

September 2nd 2017           ຟື້ນຟູ ບຸຣຸດ ສຕຣີ  MM & WM T

                                          Training at Toledo, OH   9:00 am to  5:00pm

November 11th 2017           Thanksgiving celebration at Columbus, Ohio         

                                          10:00am to  noon

December 16th 2017           Christmas Celebration                                       

                                         10:00am to  noon