Thailand Baptist Theological Seminary 2018


  • Arkansas Hmong Baptist Church
  • 732 N. Main Street., Decatur, Arkasas72733
  1. OT 07  * Psalms
  2. OT 21  * Deuteronomy
  3. NT 17  * Sermon on the Mount
  4. CM 01 * Church Music & Worship

Saturday   Mach 16th., 2019  to  March 23rd., 2019

                                 2 courses by Dr. Apichith

Mach 24th., 2019 to March 30th., 2019

                                  2 courses by  Dr. Chaiwat

Sat:  12/29/2018    6:00pm-11:00pm

                      Bro.  Kavin S. Devotion at 6:00pm

Sun. 12/30/2018    1:30pm -11:00pm

                      Rev. Pheng P.  Devotion at 1:30pm

                      Rev. Soulin X. Devotion at  6:00pm

Mon. 12/31/2018    8:00am-12:00pm / 1:30pm-11:00pm

                     Rev. Vien P.          Devotion     at 6:00am

                     Sis.  Vieng X.        Devotion     at 8:00am

                      Sis. Keo. P           Devotion     at 1:30pm

                      Sis. Sompeng T.  Devotion      at 6:30pm

Tue. 1/1/2019  8:00am-12:00pm?

                       Rev. Suthi              Sermon       at 8:00am


November 22-24, 2018

at Lao New Life Baptist Church., Findalay, Ohio

3 Courses    Dr. Oudone Thirakoun.



June 23-24-25/2017 

at Lao New Life Baptist Church., Findalay, Ohio


2017   Nov 23-25 /     together Laotian & Hmong 

            3 Courses    Dr. Oudone Thirakoun.,  at Tenn


2018    April20 - May12  together  Laotian & Hmong

            3 Courses   Dr. Chaiwat       at Lao New Life Baptist Church., Findalay, Ohio





Bankok Thailand Class Feb 20th to Mar 3rd., 2017

                        Return Home at March 4th., 2017


Decemberr 16-18th .,  2016

Church & State Relation

Christian Apologetics

Bivocational Ministery 



Thailand Baptist Theological Seminary

September     4 2016     Sunday,   4pm- 6:00pm

September    5, 2016    Monday,    8:00pm-7:00pm

September    6, 2016    Tuesday     8:00pm- 12:00pm




March 25th,2016              Friday,            8:00am-8:00pm

          26th,2016              Saturdayday,   8:00am-9:00pm

          27th,2016              Easter Sunday Service

1/22/16   Friday         8:00am-7:00pm    TH 02                         ຫລັກຄຳສອນຂອງຄຣິສຕຽນ

1/23/16   Saturday     8:00am-9:00pm    CH 01 Church History        ປະຫວັດສາດ ຄຣິຕຈັກ

                                                          CH 02 Church History        ປະຫວັດສາດ ຄຣິຕຈັກ


April 3-5 /2015      Thailand Baptist  Theological Seminary  Class

June  20-22        Thailand Baptist Theological Seminary Class                                      

July25, 2015       8:00am-12:00pm  Thailand Baptist Theological Seminary  Class

                         at Columbus, Oh   2:30pm Ordination 

July26, 2015       9:30am-10:30am    Ordination

                          at  Lao New Life Baptist Church,

Sept 5-7, 2015   Thailand Baptist Theological Seminary  Class

                          Lao New Life Baptist Church,                                      

9/5/2015 Saturday   8:00am-6:00pm     CE 02   Teaching Method    ວິຊາວິທີການສອນ

9/6/2015 Sunday    1:00pm-6:00pm      PM-04  ການແຕ່ງບົດເທສນາ

 9/7/2015 Monday     8:00am-5:00pm   PM-05  ການເທສນາ